A very nice vintage 1960 copy of the book, "A Believer's Life of Christ" by John C. Rankin. Meditations on the Life of Jesus Christ with an orientation that is distinctly scriptural and theological. A faithful reproduction of the Gospel story. 210 pages.
Product Description Introduction: It was during a revival service that God spoke to me about doing a study on John. I had long recognized the Book of John to be a great study on belief. With...
A very nice, clean copy of the book, "A Life of Christ" by Aloys Dirksen. A unique and rare split book, "A Life of Christ", together with the Four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. ...
A vintage, ex-library copy of the book, "Life In Christ" by Norman Pittenger. A devotional approach to the meaning of "life in Christ" with an emphasis on the New Testament teaching of "the...
Are you searching for how to have a happy, victorious Christian life? Dr. Scofield addresses this issue in nine chapters. 1. The Inner Life 2. The Imparted Life 3. The Tragedy of the Inner Life 4...
A very nice, new, hardcover copy of the book, "John the Baptist The Herald of Christ by John G. Butler. Number Seven in the Bible Biography Series. Though John's ministry was brief,...
This volume, the product of forty years of study, is based upon the King James Bible and is written from a dispensational, Baptist perspective. The studies are thorough, practical, devotional, and...
A nice, vintage hardcover copy of the book, "The Man Christ Jesus' by John Knox. A nice, volume whose theme is the genuineness and uniqueness of Jesus' humanity. A book of five chapters that examines...
The booklet, "What Christ Means to the Believer" by Dr. W. R. Crews. A series of six messages about what Christ means to the author. Christ is the believer's great attraction. 40...
A very nice, vintage 1900 copy of the hardcover book, "Studies in the Life of Christ" by A. M. Fairbairn. A series of discourses adapted to a book format that centers on the person and life of...