Gemma Parks is known throughout high society as G. M. Parker, a columnist renowned for her commentary on the cream of society. Behind the scenes, she uses her talent to aid the Imposters in their...
Volume 6 has essays on twenty men and women, all of whom lived between the mid-eighteenth century and the opening decades of the nineteenth century. Once again there will be some familiar names Isaac...
The twenty figures covered in this fifth volume knew much of what the English Puritan George Swinnock referred to as a God-given “heaven in the heart,” or godly experience. It was their prime...
Biographical Essays on Notable Particular-Regular Baptists in America Edited by Terry Wolever Volume One Volume One of this companion set to the British Particular Baptists is now available, and like...
Volume Two of this series continues to bring back to remembrance the lives of still more early Baptist worthies, again arranged in chronological order by their dates of birth. Learn more about these...