A very nice copy of the book, "According to Your Faith" by Joshua Stauffer. An examination of Biblical Faith, Saving Faith, trusting faith, patient faith, those attributes the allow us to be close to God. 165 pages.
A nice, overall clean copy of the book, "When He Is Come" by Joshua Stauffer. An examination of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit which is one point of what Scripture says that Christian really...
A very nice, vintage staple bound booklet, "What Church Members Owe Their Pastor" by Joshua Stauffer. The Pastoral Ministry is not an easy take by any means. This volume looks at the nine areas in...
The world tries to undermine our faith; God wants to purify and strengthen it. These nine Bible studies from the books of 1 and 2 Peter help women examine their faith--first in salvation and then in...
Throughout the history of the Church, biblical faith has been challenged in many ways by many voices. The same holds true in our generation. Building Your Faith will help reinforce some of the most...
Reach for the Promises to Strengthen Your Faith Brown Faux Leather Gift Book when you need strength to face a challenge or need comfort during difficult times. This collection of heartening promises...
Walking by faith in God permeated everything Tozer wrote. In this unique compilation of Tozer writings, each chapter was strategically chosen to take you on an exciting journey that will revive...
From the experiences of Bible characters can be learned many helpful lessons in matters of faith, godly conduct, and Christian service. God could have given the Scriptures to us only in the form of a...
This book is not a commentary as such on the Book of Joshua. It is rather an examination into the question of the Book's authenticity as an historical document. It looks into the question of the...
The book of Joshua completes the redemption of Israel that was begun in Exodus. Exodus is the book of redemption out of Egypt: Joshua is the book of redemption into the Promised Land. The book...