An Address to Christians Throughout the World by the Clergy of the Confederate States of America, Assembled at Richmond, Va., April, 1863. Stapled yellow paperback pamphlet.
Basically like new copy of, "The World of Life" by Alfred Russel Wallace. A Manifestation of Creative Power, Directive mind and Ultimate Purpose. A summery of the thought and work of the author...
A very nice copy of the book, "Psychology For Christian Teachers" by Alfred L. Murray. A study of psychology in an attempt to pass on to readers in a concise and practical way the principles of...
A nice, nearly new, hardcover copy of the book, "Making Waves in Foggy Bottom by Alfred J. Marrow. How a new and more scientific approach changed the management system at the State Department. 93...
A very nice copy, "Youth's Problem Number One: Friendship, Courtship and Marriage by Alfred L. Murray. An excellent volume on slected topics suggested by young and old alike with the...