Campbell-Walker Debate by Alexander Campbell

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  • Campbell-Walker Debate by Alexander Campbell
  • Campbell-Walker Debate by Alexander Campbell
  • Campbell-Walker Debate by Alexander Campbell
  • Campbell-Walker Debate by Alexander Campbell

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A very nice copy of this hardcover,  mid-20th century reprint of the 1822 book, "Campbell-Walker Debate on Christian Baptisim" by Alexander Campbell.  This is the "Debate on Chrisitan Baptism between Mr. John Walker, a minister of the Secession and Alexander Campbell, Held on Mount-Pleasant, on the 19th and 20th June, 1820, in the presence of a very numerous and respectable congregation.  To which is added a large appendix.  Second Edition enlarged with structures on three letters respecting said debate, published by Mr. Samuel Ralston, a Presbyterian Minister.  This debate was a jumping off point for the growing Restoration Movement which resulted in the establishment of the Church of Christ.  292 pages with Expedited Shipping!

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