A very nice, clean copy of the staple bound booklet, "The Political Christian" by Timothy Keesee. A personal guide to political action. A look at the responsibility and role of the Christian in party...
A very nice copy of the booklet, "The Apostasy in the Last Days" by James Alexander Stewart. A study outline on the Book of Jude. Volume Six of the Christian Efficiency Course of the...
What in the world is going on? Why in the world are all these things happening today?This book on Apostasy was first written in 1977. It was re-published in 2001 with only a few grammatical changes...
The Anatomy of Apostasy is a detailed examination of the "falling away" described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The Scriptures predicted an abandonment of biblical truth prior to the Rapture of the church...
A very nice copy of the 2001 third edition copy of the textbook, "United States History for Christian Schools" by Timothy Keesee and Mark Sidwell. This is a nearly like new, rebound copy of...
Over the past decade and a half, we have watched with a mixture of surprise and sadness how an apostate church has materialized before our eyes. It all began for us here at Lighthouse Trails when we...
Kindergarten, 2nd Edition The Christian Liberty Nature Reader series is designed not only to improve a child's reading skills and comprehension, but also to increase his understanding of God's...
Paul’s epistles to Timothy are considered pastoral epistles. This particular classification is given to these books because they contain instructions for church government and an orderly execution of...