Black Imitation Leather, KJV Carry the Scriptures with you in this portable thinline edition - a treasured companion on your journey of faith. Let the magnificent language of the King James Version,...
Burgundy Imitation Leather, KJV Designed with convenience and portability in mind, the KJV Compact Thinline Bible features the timeless beauty of the trustworthy King James translation. The KJV...
Burgundy Imitation Leather, Filament Edition, Large Print, KJV The KJV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible, Filament Edition is a new edition of a Tyndale classic, with a highly readable...
The literary beauty of the King James Version, handy and easy to carry, with the readability of Thomas Nelson's custom KJV font. The slim design of the KJV Thinline Reference Bible means you can...