A Study on Psalms 14-24.As you read each of these Psalms, may the Lord speak to you. Listen to His voice with a determination to obey Him. This book has been written with the intention for the...
The beauty of the Psalms still captivates readers today as it expresses our heartfelt desire to fellowship with God. Dr. Sexton examines each psalm and its direct effect on our individual...
Grades 9-12. How are the five key Bible doctrines connected to everyday life? Help your students find out with this survey of biblical teaching on God, man, Christ, salvation, and the church. 148...
What the Bible says about eternity. Do all religious roads really lead to the same place? Many people have bought into the philosophy that, so long as you're sincere, it doesn't really matter what...
God saved B. R. Lakin when he was around 18 years of age while working in the Forest Lands of West Virginia. Soon after that God called him into His service to carry the Gospel all over the world...