New Paperback copy. Published in 1995 by Multnomah Books in 224 pages. Ken Ruettgers, former offensive tackle for the Green Bay Packers with Dave Branon, has written Home Field Advantage: A Dad's Guide To The Power of Role Modeling, for fathers of children. Includes Acknowledgements, Introduction, 12 total chapters in 5 sections, and a Notes bibliography.
Taken from the Back cover? "Who Will Be Your Child's Greatest Hero?
You've seen the signs. A bedroom full of posters. Famous names spoken in a worshipful tone of voice. A collection of superstar memorabilia. Like it or not, your child is powerfully influenced by high-profile media heroes. You hope those men and women will say and do the right things. But you know you cannot direct the actions of others. The issue of role modeling is out of your control... Or is it?
Author Ken Ruettgers draws from years of experience as father, offensive tackle for the Green Bay Packers, and public figure to point you to the individual who has more influence over your child than all the superstar media personalities combined... You.
Yes, You Are A Role Model.
You can be the one role model your chld can always rely on. Don't wait for someone else to pick up the ball and run with it. Let Ken Ruettgers show you the keys to winning on your own turf, and learn how you can seize your relaitonal Home Field Advantage to powerfully influence your family and community for generations to come.
Includes stories from Reggie White, Bill Bates, Sterling Sharpe, Frank Reich, Jay Novacek, Russell Maryland, Brent Jones...And many more!
Co-author Dave Branon is managing editor of Sports Spectrum magazine. His previous books include Safe at Home and Slam Dunk."
Condition Notes: New Paperback Copy. Published in 1995, by Multnomah Books, with 224 pages.