The only commandment of the 10 Commandments that came with a promise was the 5th one: “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land.” God gives you and me the power to shorten or lengthen our physical lives. Life is not all static, set, and predetermined. Though man alone cannot change the date of his death, there are things man can do that will cause God to change it. How amazed we may all be when we get to heaven to find that someone lived far longer than he would have lived because he honored his parents. This message not only defines and illustrates honor and obedience, but it also graphically demonstrates how a person can use them to shorten or lengthen his life. Your children will never forget the changing dates on the tombstones on this dramatic video!
Over a lifetime of ministry, the apostle Paul faced many hardships. He was imprisoned, shipwrecked, tortured, arrested, stoned, and ultimately beheaded. Yet he remained strong in faith and fervor for...
Jesus was called the “express image” of God in Hebrews 1:3. The Greek word for “express image” is “character.” Jesus had the mark or character of the Father on Him. In a different yet similar way,...
The Gospel should teach us to say "my life for yours." Our desire should be to have this love transform everything we do, room by room. This book works its way through every part of the house,...
In this all-time best seller, with over 100 million copies in 100 languages, a man dies and is shocked to learn that God is about to review his life. Shows graphically that faith in Jesus Christ...
Do You Know Which Direction To Take? Have you ever come to a fork in the road and did not know which way to go? This can happen not only on the highwy but on the road of life. You will make...
Families-not only do they give us our greatest pleasures, they can give us our biggest headaches, too. An excerpt from a proven book on family, this pamphlet is designed to provide a firm handle on...