Burgundy Hardcover, Large Print, KJV The KJV Large Print Note-Taking Bible has a sleek design and many excellent study features, including 2-inch wide margins for note-taking. The 11 point type...
Mauve Hardcover, Large Print, KJV The KJV Large Print Note-Taking Bible is a simple but lovely Bible that is easy to read and provides space to keep all your written reflections next to the passage...
Blue Floral Hardcover, KJV Make notes and capture insights in the margins of the KJV Note-Taking Bible and never forget where you left them. With plenty of space to doodle, list, or write, the 1...
Pink/Brown Hardcover, KJV Never forget what you have learned about a passage when you note it in the wide margins of the KJV Note-Taking Bible. The notes you make and the wisdom you glean and...