Oops! I Thought I was a Four-Point Calvinist

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Whether we realize it or not, every time we read the Bible or listen to a biblical message our understandingis influenced by the particular system of theology we hold. Believing there were only two systems of theology to choose from within fundamental, conservative Christianity, I chose Calvinism over Arminianism because I was (and still am) firmly convinced that the Scriptures support eternal security of the believer. For many years I trusted the system called Four-Point Calvinism because I thought I knew what Calvin meant by each point and I agreed with all but the "L" (Limited Atonement) of the acrostic, "TULIP," which represents Calvinism's five main points.

Because New Calvinism has re-invigorated the teachings of traditional Calvinism and is sweeping throughout Christianity today, dividing Christians and influencing what is taught in churches, seminaries, and schools. I decided to look more deeply into the definitions of the four points. After considering what the Bible has to say about human depravity, election, grace, and perseverance in order to define these concepts inductively and then comparing these definitions with Calvin's teaching, I concluded that I could no longer call myself a four-point Calvinist, for I found significant differences.

This book offers a system of theology that I simply call "Biblicism" because I believe it harmonizes with the Scriptures and enables the reader to properly understand God's purpose and plan for earth's history and eternity.

-from the author

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