A very nice copy of the booklet, "Outlines of Ephesians" by Dr. Ray O. Brooks. A verse by verse sermon outlines from the book of Ephesians A practical application of the Truth from the Word of God is the foundation of every sermon. 56 pages.
This volume is a verse-by-verse and section-by-section exposition of the pivotal epistle from the apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus. Chafer focuses on how this letter is a revelation of God's...
The great virtue of Hodge on Ephesians is his ability constantly to communicate the sense and overall argument of a passage. A peerless teacher, his aim, with the pen as in the classroom, was 'the...
The Scriptures come alive with America's best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee's THROUGH THE BIBLE COMMENTARY SERIES...
The John Phillips Commentary Series is designed to provide pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of the Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical...