This third book of this series was designed to provide practice in the three arts which the title, Color, Count, and Cut, suggests. The main focus, however, is on coloring exercises. The large,...
Finding the Answers develops thinking skills through hearing rhymes, identifying sequence, understanding sentence meanings, making comparisons and associations. Teaching Aims:
A charming book to teach children about colors, numbers, shapes, and letters. They learn to count to ten and recognize basic shapes. They learn to write all the letters of the alphabet both lower...
Grade Leve: Pre-K This workbook teaches the child to identify, write, and know the meaning of numbers 1-10. It teaches number sequence (after, before, and between) and simple math-related words such...
Grade Level: Pre-K Adventures with Books gives practice in coloring, cutting, pasting, and following directions while learning neatness and carefulness. Adventure With Books teaches the 8 basic...