A very nice copy of the booklet, "Selected Sermons" by Ray M. Brown, Evangelist from Spartanburg, South Carolina. Five great messages to convict the lost, encourage the saved and celebrate Christmas. 16 pages.
This book contains 6 sermons from one of the 18th century's greatest preachers, along with a biographical sketch by J.C. ryle, and a discussion of his doctrine by R. Elliott. Sermons included...
There is much need for pure Bible teaching today, that God's children may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the things of God. But with the unrest and turmoil that embraces the world, there is...
Chapter Titles: The Route to Preaching; The Calling of the Preacher; The Consecration of the Preacher; The Commitment of the Preacher; The Realm of Preaching; The Rules of Preparation; The...