Brown Leathersoft, Large Print, KJV Build your life on it! It's the perfect foundation for Bible study and the Christian life. The KJV Foundation Study Bible is a thorough, portable, and affordable...
A very nice, new in the box, copy of the "Leathersoft KJV Teen Study Bible" Features Written by Larry & Sue Richards from Zondervan. A great Bible to help keep today's busy teens...
Brown Leathersoft, Large Print, Indexed, KJV Build your life on it! It's the perfect foundation for Bible study and the Christian life. The KJV Foundation Study Bible is a thorough, portable, and...
Brown Leathersoft, KJV Designed with convenience and portability in mind, the affordable KJV Value Thinline Bible features the timeless beauty of the trustworthy King James translation. This Bible is...
Purple/Green Leathersoft, KJV Kids know the Bible is important: after all, it contains God's message of love for them, all other people, and the universe he created. But where does a young person...