Learning to Live In the Presence of God…
Dreams. Opportunity. Favor. Power. Blessings. Purpose.
Jealousy. Conflict. Betrayal. Temptation. Prison. Difficulty.
All of this and much more is found in the story of Joseph. His is a representative life in so many ways–an example for us all. Follow the adventures of Joseph and you will see both the positive and negative experiences of life.
Most importantly, you will discover the one secret to the blessing of God at every stage in life: “The Lord was with Joseph.” From his youth through old age, through his blessings and burdens, we learn how to live consciously in the presence of God.
This Bible study guide is designed to be used as a companion to the full-length book, The Lord Was With Joseph. The greatest thing anyone could say about your life is that the Lord was with you. This 38-page study guide has been prepared to engage Bible students as they learn of the God who was with Joseph. These lessons may be used for Sunday school, family devotions, small group Bible studies, youth camps, personal Bible study, or for the entire church.
Five of the lessons include:
• The Basics
• One Truth
• A Scene from the Life of Joseph
• Memorize and Meditate…
• Journeying with Joseph
• Next Steps on My Journey
• Ask and Answer
This study guide also includes a BONUS sixth lesson on Lasting Lessons From The Life of Joseph. Additionally, there is bonus teaching and devotional material on learning to live in the presence of God, as you walk through Scripture.