A very nice, clean lot of 2 Vintage Patch the Pirate Songbooks, "Sing Along with Patch the Pirate" & "Patch the Pirate Goes West" by Ron "Patch" Hamilton and Musical Ministries. The sing along...
A very nice, clean lot of 2 Vintage Patch the Pirate Songbooks, "Patch the Pirate Goes to Space" & "Patch the Pirate Goes to the Jungle" by Ron "Patch" Hamilton and Musical Ministries. The sing...
Songs Included: 1. Yours Forever 2. You Are My Fortress 3. Molding a Masterpiece 4. My Mother's Gentle Love 5. The Lord Is My Light 6. Longing for Home 7. Sleep, Baby, Sleep 8. Lord, Bless Our Home 9...