The Parables of Jesus, Volume 1 (Teacher's Guide)

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The parabolic teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ are unequaled in all of literature. Dr. Sexton’s treatment of the greatest stories ever told is a simple yet profound explanation of Christ’s teaching. In each parable, the author emphasizes the central theme and applies God’s truth to the present-day reader. This two-volume set is a must for any Christian desiring to conform to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Teacher’s Guide is a three-ring notebook containing valuable information to assist the teacher in the preparation and presentation of the Bible lesson. These notes are identical in format to the Study Guide. The page numbers on the “Teacher’s Notes” correspond to the page numbers in the Study Guide. Also included are class teaching notes and lesson aims which may be removed from the Teacher’s Guide and placed in the teacher’s Bible to assist in teaching the lesson.


Teacher's Guide binder.

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