We cannot understand the Christian gospel until we know what sin is. Yet modern secular counselors urge us to ignore both the word and what it tells us about our rebellion against God and his law...
John Owen insisted on the importance of the Christian dealing effectively with their sinful tendencies and attitudes. He believed that God, through his Word and Spirit, had provided the guidelines...
There is only one sin that is unpardonable. It is a frightening thought, that man can do something that God cannot forgive — not now or in the world to come. Dr. Hutson shows us from the Bible what...
There is much talk about the rights of smokers vs. the rights of non-smokers. What about the moral issue of smoking? Is the use of tobacco a sin? Dr. Rice answers these questions and gives some...
Becoming a Christian does not nullify the old nature, but rather introduces a new nature which wars against it. Sometimes the old nature overpowers the new and a Christian sins. Some Christians even...
Almost any time a child gets in trouble it happens because the parent did not know something going on in his child's life that he needed to know. A true witness is careful about things he should NOT...
John Owen's Indwelling Sin in Believers is a guide to knowing our enemy, a field-manual for the lifelong war Christ's soldiers must wage against the sin that remains in them after conversion. Like an...
Seven Simple Sermons. -The Powerless Disciples versus The Peerless Deliverer -Jacob at Jabbok (Genesis 32:22-24) -A Seaside Scene (John 21:1-14) -Seven Steps of Sin (Joshua 7:19-21) -Inexcusable...
Dealing With Our SinsMany believers today are living under a load of guilt over their sins because they do not know how to deal with them. In this study, we are going to look into the Word of God and...