An examination of the question, "Where Did Cain Get His Wife?" by Ken Ham. A look at the many possibilities which explain this easy to answer and misleading question. 40 pages.
A nice, clean copy of the pocket booklet, "Cain's Wife Who Was She" by Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis. The story of where Cain got his wife and many other interesting facts about the first family. A...
Discover the Answers in Genesis, "Dinosaurs and The Bible" by Ken Ham. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Do dinosaurs prove creation or evolution? What happened to...
Written in lilting rhyme with livley, colorful illustrations, the entire story line in this board book for young children is sung on an accompanying CD. All parents need to do is put on the CD and...
Tracing the Mystery Through History Did you know that we have a written record of the history of the universe, past, present, and future, from someone who sees and knows everything? The infinite...
Product Description If you look around in your church today, two-thirds of the young people who are sitting among us have already left in their hearts; soon they will be gone for good. This is the...
One of the most popular misconceptions by people who have walked away from the Church and their faith is that the Bible contains errors or inaccurate accounts. Many people also simply accept without...